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защита природы защита природы - Спасите дельфинов Бразилии!
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Спасите дельфинов Бразилии!

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Tell Brazil to go for the gold and be a champion for the Guiana dolphin!
Sign The Petition


Nearly 10 Guiana dolphins are killed every month in fishing nets in the Bay of Sepetiba in Rio. With fewer than 800 individuals remaining, this critical population will be lost in a few short years unless the government of Brazil acts NOW.

Sign Sea Shepherd Legal's petition to urge Brazil and Rio to take simple steps to save the dolphin!

Featured on the city’s flag cradling Rio’s coat of arms, the Guiana dolphin -- or “boto-cinza” in Portuguese –- is the symbol of Rio de Janeiro. Sea Shepherd Legal are working with federal prosecutors in Brazil to make sure this species remains more than just an image on a flag.

The Rio Olympics are starting in just a few days. The government of Brazil is already in the international hot seat -- highly criticized for not cleaning up its waterways and for not building a safe venue for Olympic athletes. Brazil can save face and protect the Guiana dolphin while the whole world is watching.

Add your name to Sea Shepherd Legal's petition and tell Brazil’s officials that all eyes are on them –- save the Guiana dolphin now.


Thanks for taking action!

  Aaron V.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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