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защита природы защита природы - Sign: These chimps don't deserve to die
Сегодня - 24 октября 2024, Четверг
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Sign: These chimps don't deserve to die

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Tell Citibank to save 66 chimps from starvation
Sign Donny's Petition
meet the petition author
Donny Moss
New York, New York

For 30 years, the New York Blood Center (NYBC) conducted invasive experiments on almost 500 chimpanzees. For 10 years, the NYBC did the right thing and provided care for the chimps after the experiments were over. And then it stopped.

NYBC announced in March that it would no longer provide the 66 remaining laboratory chimps with the care they need to survive.Donny Moss and fellow animal rights activists have tried for months to convince NYBC to reinstate the funding. The organization hasn't budged an inch.

Perhaps the NYBC will pay more attention to one of its major donors.Please sign Donny's petition asking Citigroup to make its donations to NYBC contingent on the organization reinstating funding for the 66 chimps it has abandoned.

After NYBC finished experimenting on the chimps, it sent them to live on six islands in Liberia where there is no natural food or water. They are still there today, and depend on people to bring them the necessary nourishment for their survival.

Since NYBC stopped providing for the chimps, their care has been funded by the U.S. Humane Society and by donations from people like you. But this can't go on forever.

NYBC currently has $450 million in assets and has reportedly earned about $500 million off of the research conducted on these chimps. It may not be contractually obligated to care for them, but as Jane Goodall put it in an open letter to the organization, it has a "moral obligation" to pay for their wellbeing.

NYBC may not take the calls of animal welfare groups and activists, but it would be difficult to dodge one of the companies that has given the organization over $1 million in donations. So please sign this petition urging Citigroup to stop its donations to NYBC until the organization does the right thing once again, and takes care of these chimps.

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