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защита природы защита природы - Part of Bamboo's tail was bitten off
Сегодня - 24 октября 2024, Четверг
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Part of Bamboo's tail was bitten off

Free Bamboo the Elephant from the Oklahoma City Zoo!
Sign Now

After less than a year at the Oklahoma City Zoo, Bamboo has lost over 1,200 pounds. Another elephant bit part of her tail off. And an attack by yet another elephant left a six inch long, two inch wide scrape on her truck. It is time to get Bamboo out of there!

Despite public statements from the Oklahoma City Zoo claiming that Bamboo is doing just fine, recently obtained zoo records show that is not the case at all. The 49-year-old elephant was relocated to Oklahoma City from Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo last year, and has not been accepted into the zoo's herd. In fact, she has been bullied so severely that the zoo has been forced to isolate her at night from the other elephants.

When Teresa found out about Bamboo's failing health and rejection from the herd, she started a Care2 petition demanding that the Oklahoma City Zoo send the elephant to a sanctuary. Will you sign it?

Bamboo didn't arrive at the Oklahoma City Zoo alone last year. She was accompanied by Woodland Park Zoo's other elephant – 37-year-old Chai. But after only eight months at their new home, Chai died from emaciation and a systemic blood infection.

The zoo claimed at the time that there were no red flags leading up to the elephant's untimely death. The newly released records indicate, however, that Chai suffered from weight loss, skin lesions, and other problems months before she died.

We cannot let Bamboo meet the same tragic fate as Chai. She has suffered through a terrible life at two different zoos, and now deserves to live out her final years in peace. Sign this petition to demand her release to an elephant sanctuary. If enough of us speak out, we might be able to apply enough public pressure that the Oklahoma City Zoo will be forced to do the right thing.

Thank you,

  Lacey K.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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