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Защитите пингвинов в Австралии. Зверски избиты

Stop the Attacks on these Little Penguins!
Sign Michael's Petition

An unknown man brutally kicked to death a little penguin on the St. Kilda Pier in Melbourne, Australia. Two weeks later another two penguins were stomped and kicked by a group of men.

The colony of about 1,000 small blue fairy penguins living at the St. Kilda Pier are a beloved attraction for Melbourne tourists and locals alike. They have become so accustomed to the crowds of people strolling along the pier, picnicking, and fishing, that they have grown to trust humans. Sadly, this makes the penguins an even easier target for ruthless thugs.

Michael was so angry when he found out that people were jumping the fence and purposefully hurting these poor, defenseless penguins that he knew he had to take action. Will you sign his Care2 petition demanding that city officials do more to protect the penguins from these horrific attacks?

On the night of the most recent attack, a park volunteer saw a group of young men climbing on the rocks near the penguins and harassing them. The volunteer yelled at them to stop, but he wasn't able to do much else. Needless to say, the group of men ignored him.

20 minutes later, a tourist found the volunteer and told him that two penguins were bleeding. When he arrived on the scene, he discovered to his horror that one penguin had a deep gash under its right eye and that its mate also had blood on it. Unfortunately, the volunteer didn't have authority to move the birds for medical attention that night. He came back the next morning with help, but he couldn't find the injured penguins.

There is still hope that these latest attack victims have survived, but the same cannot be said for the penguin kicked to death two weeks earlier.On that night, German tourists reported one man inside the penguins' nesting area repeatedly kicking a little penguin while a large group of men cheered him on.

City officials cannot just stand by and do nothing while these horrifying acts of violence against defenseless animals continue on St. Kilda's Pier. The area needs to be patrolled regularly by park officials, and the current fencing should be reinforced so that it keeps people out of the penguins' nesting area.

Please sign Michael's petition demanding that the city take serious measures to protect the penguins from further harm. The more people who speak out, the more likely it is that we'll be able to stop these violent attacks from happening ever again.

Thank you,

  Lacey K.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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