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защита природы защита природы - The Sexual Use of Animals Is Still Legal in Denmark
Сегодня - 24 октября 2024, Четверг
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The Sexual Use of Animals Is Still Legal in Denmark

The sexual use of animals is still legal in Denmark. It's time for the government to outlaw this atrocity.


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Dear Friends, 

The rape, torture and abuse of animals are all prohibited in Denmark. But it is still legal to have sex with an animal.

The absence of such a law has led to a huge bestiality business. In Denmark, people can actually go to animal brothels and, for less than 100 U.S. dollars, pay to molest animals. Brothel owners claim their animals "have years of experience" and "crave the stimulation."

Denmark says its current law prohibits the animals from being harmed. But animals cannot give consent. They have no idea what is going on when they are being assaulted. Not only can they be grievously injured; they can be left with lifelong psychological and emotional scars.

Animals cannot speak for themselves. It is up to us to use our voices for the sake of their welfare. Tell Denmark to outlaw the sexual use of animals immediately.


Thank you for taking action, 

Kathleen J.
The Care2 Petitions Team

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In Denmark, it is legal to have sex with an animal! Please sign this petition to demand that the Danish government create a law to make it illegal to have sex with animals.

Rape, torture, and abuse of animals are all prohibited in Denmark, but the line between "use" and "abuse" is dangerously thin. This, however, is besides the point. It is still legal to have sex with an animal in Denmark and we, as human beings, cannot, should not and will not condone the sexual (ab)use of animals. It is beyond outrageous that no such law prohibiting such repulsive practices exists. Here in Denmark, the absence of such a law has led not only to people engaging in sex with animals, but even to the creation of "animal brothels" where people pay to have sex with animals.

This is an appalling lack of justice and it needs to end NOW.

So long as the sexual use of animals in Denmark is allowed, we need everybody's voice to try and change this. Denmark can be somewhat stubborn about some changes, so it is essential that people everywhere help us make way for better welfare for all animals by signing this petition to show there is support for changing this law. In the words of Neil Armstrong, "This is one small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind."

Help us ban the abuse, torture and sexual assault of animals all over the world, starting in our own back yard.

Thank you.

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