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защита природы защита природы - Против использования орангутангов на боксёрском ринге
Сегодня - 17 мая 2024, Пятница
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Против использования орангутангов на боксёрском ринге

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Stop the abuse of intelligent orangutans!

Против использования орангутангов на боксёрском ринге

Ban The Use Of Orangutans In The Boxing Ring
Sign the Petition

Dear Friends,

The orangutan is a fascinating animal: incredibly intelligent, they share about 97% of DNA with us humans. Sadly, they are an endangered species, and need the help of wildlife preservation organizations to keep their populations safe, happy, and healthy.

But at Safari World, a theme park in Bangkok, orangutans are dressed in boxing gear and placed in a ring to resemble a boxing match. The orangutans are forced to mimic hitting and kicking one another, at times shoving the other monkey to the ground.

Take action today and urge the Prime Minister of Thailand to ban orangutan boxing! This forced behavior is inhumane, and we should be doing all we can to protect orangutans - not placing them in stressful situations.

Animal activists have decried this practice, noting it’s cruel nature, and state that this forced behavior is incredibly unnatural for orangutans. Orangutans don’t belong in theme parks, on stage for entertainment: they belong in protected habitats.

Make no mistake: this is animal cruelty. Please sign this petition, and take a stand against orangutan boxing.

Thank you for making a difference.


Angie   Angie L.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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