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защита природы защита природы - Urge Belize Not to Open Marine Areas to Oil and Gas Drilling!
Сегодня - 17 мая 2024, Пятница
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Urge Belize Not to Open Marine Areas to Oil and Gas Drilling!

Drilling in the world's second largest coral reef
Urge Belize Not to Open Marine Areas to Oil and Gas Drilling!
Sign Georgina's Petition

Dear Anastasia,

Belize's Great Blue Hole is a wonder. Described as a "diver's paradise," it is a deep blue underwater world full of flora and fauna unlike anywhere else in the world. It is even visible from space, and it was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

But now, a proposal for new regulations could threaten this area and its surroundings by making it open to offshore drilling. You can help stop this misguided plan by signing this petition to the government of Belize.

Belize currently has a voluntary moratorium on drilling in certain areas, but it is now considering opening up some marine areas, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the Belize Barrier Reef — the second largest reef in the world.

Environmental groups have been speaking out against this plan, in part because even the smallest drilling projects can disrupt the delicate ecosystems of these areas — not to mention how devastating a spill would be. Please ask the government of Belize not to open up their waters for oil and gas development!

Thank you,

  Emily L.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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