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защита природы защита природы - Beagle puppies bred to be cut open in experiments
Сегодня - 3 мая 2024, Пятница
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Beagle puppies bred to be cut open in experiments

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Stop beagle puppies being bred for animal experiments!
Sign The Petition

Unless we take action to stop it, a new puppy farm will open in the UK with the purpose of breeding beagles for animal testing experiments.

Click here to sign the petition demanding the government revoke its approval for this horrific facility.

According to the National Anti-Vivisection Society, dogs taking part in scientific experiments are made to inhale toxic substances through masks, force feed through tubes, and are strapped in harnesses while being injected with drugs.

The facility is owned by a US firm and would be Britain's second facility forbreeding beagles specifically to be cut open and experimented on while still alive.

The other facility breeds 3,000 beagles for animal testing each year.

Dozens of celebrities have spoken out against this farm. Join Ricky Gervais, Queen guitarist Dr Brian May and Downton Abbey's Peter Egan: sign this petition to demand the government stop the construction of a new cruelty-laden dog breeding facility.

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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