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защита природы защита природы - Take Trophy Hunter Melissa Bachman's Show Off the Air
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Take Trophy Hunter Melissa Bachman's Show Off the Air

"Hardcore" hunter Melissa Bachman recently posted a photo of herself behind a lion that she had "stalked" in South Africa. Her completely unnecessary hunts are aired every week on satellite TV.
Please sign the petition today! Sign the Petition to Get Michelle Bachman Off the Air!
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Dear Friends, 

Care2 member Thor was outraged when he saw the photo of Melissa Bachman standing behind a defenseless lion that she had gunned down. He decided to take matters into his own hands and demand that Bachman no longer be allowed to have her own television show to display this cruelty. 

Bachman is the host of "Winchester Deadly Passion," during which she stalks and hunts various animals for the adrenaline rush. These hunts serve no purpose aside from destroying the life of an innocent animal and that animal's family or pack. 

There is no reason why Bachman should be given such a pedestal on which to display this cruel and damaging "sport." It is a terrible influence for children and makes a mockery of animal conservation efforts everywhere.

Sign Thor's petition today demanding that The Pursuit Channel, DirecTV and Dish Network remove Bachman from their programming immediately.


Thank you for taking action,

Emily L. 
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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"У нас есть свобода, но не осталось времени" Dolores ORiordan peterpatrick@mail.ru
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